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Live Journaling

When you want to learn about the world… read.

When you want to learn about yourself … WRITE.

Welcome to Live Journaling, a FREE class to join!

Get in the groove and access the communal energy for a powerful journaling experience.

Just like in meditation, there is power in numbers and when we come together to write in each other’s presence there’s no telling what we will channel. Each journaling session will include a prompt and bi-weekly we will have a live musician playing for 20 minutes to add a little something extra to this already simple and profound experience.

The top benefits of journaling include improving self-awareness, stress reduction, encouraging the practice of gratitude, and regulating emotions, and it’s been proven to assist in attaining goals.

What you need:

  • PEN


March 19

Beginner Meditation

March 27

Live Journaling